Gerri Sefton
Consultant Nurse for Critical Care
Alder Hey Children's Hospital
Gerri is a Consultant Nurse for Critical Care at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool and has more than 30 years PICU experience, with 20 years as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. She is the lead ANP for Critical Care and Cardiology. Her research focus has been in-hospital deterioration in children and improving the early detection and response to this to improve outcomes. She implemented and iteratively developed a Paediatric Early Warning score (PEWS) for whole hospital use, since 2006, and incorporated routine sepsis screening for all in-patients and has led national and international work in this area.
Most recently, she has been Co-Chief Investigator for the DETECT study (Dynamic Electronic Tracking and Escalation to reduce Critical Care Transfer) funded by NIHR i4i. This was a single site, whole hospital study evaluating the use of mobile handheld smart technology to aid the early recognition and response to deterioration in children admitted to hospital. The study focused on the clinical effectiveness, the cost-effectiveness and the clinical utility of the technology.