Sustainability at PCCS2024
PCCS conference committee acknowledges that any event will have an environmental impact but there are significant benefits in coming together for an in-person event that cannot be replicated with an online event. Preserving a healthy and sustainable ecosystem is important and that even small actions are important. Therefore we have endeavoured to make the conference more environmentally friendly within the limitations of hosting a national conference. We at PCCS conference want to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals within our values. This is through responsible consumption and sustainability, promoting healthy lives and quality education.
Sustainability Contributions
by Delegates
We aim to limit the impact on the environment ways that delegates can help: - The aim is to go paperless - use our website to inquire about the programme details instead of printing. - Use more sustainable ways of travelling - the conference is centrally situated with good public transport links. - Reduce waste you generate and recycle where appropriate - delegates are requested to bring reusable bottles and coffee cups to reduce single use plastics.
Promoting life-long learning and opportunities for all
Making high quality education available to all our community, and enhancing the scientific programme available: - Special keynote presentations delivered by a number of internationally renowned speakers - Pre conference workshops for clinical skills - Opportunities to network and share experiences - Current research and QI project results shared via oral presentation and posters.
Promoting healthy lives and wellbeing for all
We aim to try and provide opportunity to promote healthy lifestyle while being together as a community: - Healthy food options being offered - Social scenic morning runs around the historic city of Liverpool - We are open to any suggestions from our future attendees - please email us!
Sustainable consumption
We recognise the environmental impact that a large national conference can have and have worked with conference centre to improve consumption and sustainable production throughout the conference: - Delegate badges and lanyards are recyclable at the end of the event. - Promotional material for PCCS conference utilising digital platforms over printed material.